Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Here we go!

What does one write on a first blog entry? Is it something deep and meaningful? Something that reveals your personality and the ultimate reason you finally sat down and signed on to join the millions already out there? Or do you keep it simple?

I'm a simple girl, so here's my first entry: I am sitting at my computer at home, listening to a new podcast I'm investigating called Just Good Music. Good wallpaper type of stuff, with a steady beat and shifting playlist. Easily obtainable via iTunes.

Today my wife and I took a mini vacation. Played hooky, essentially. Usually we would be on a family vacation somewhere warm right about now, but she is a medical resident and thus has a sucky schedule. So we took one day, just to play and spend some time in a place more fun than our current home town of Manchester, NH. Not the most terrible place on the planet, but neither of us have ever really felt that we can find our groove here. So we headed over to Portsmouth. The town was hopping - people everywhere (on a Wednesday!).

I went for a 4 mile run earlier today, following parts of an old route I used to take when P (the aforementioned wife) lived in Portsmouth. I would loop over into Maine, and feel all proud of myself that I had completed a two state run. It's where I first started to really take on running as a hobby, and I do miss that route. I didn't run into Maine today, but I still found a great path, including the local cemetery. Do people outside of New England use cemeteries for recreation?

At the moment I am prepping for my first half marathon, which is on Jan 14th in Phoenix. I didn't realize it was such a big event when I signed up for it - I was just taking it on as a winter goal. I think that I am going to be running with about 10,000 of my closest personal friends... It'll be cheesy, but it'll be fun.

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